Importance of Tracking in Modular Construction

Tracking is crucial due to the off-site manufacturing of components and their on-site assembly. Effective tracking ensures that modules are delivered on time, assembled correctly, and any issues are promptly addressed, leading to a more efficient and coordinated construction process. In this webinar we will showcase how you can use Dalux for end-to-end tracking.
Nathan Garrad
UK Account Executive
Nathan is a dedicated sales professional with over ten years of experience in the construction software sector. He joined Dalux as an Account Executive in 2024, bringing extensive knowledge from his previous roles at Viewpoint Construction Software, Sensat, and Thinkproject. Nathan’s expertise lies in advancing digital solutions in construction projects and building long-term client relationships. With a deep understanding of BIM processes and construction technology, he excels in delivering tailored solutions that meet client needs.

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Importance of Tracking in Modular Construction

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