for students and educators

We offer free training to get the most out of our tools

Whether you’re new or experienced, our training helps you confidently use our solutions. You can use Dalux during classroom training sessions or take self-paced e-learning courses—all at no extra cost.

Institutions we work with

What is
Dalux Academy?

Dalux offers self-paced courses that allow individuals to learn at their own convenience.

Tailored courses

Whether you’re on-site, in the office, or managing projects, Dalux Academy offers courses tailored to every role in the construction industry. With a constantly growing library, there’s always something new to help you stay ahead.

For students

Our courses designed to help anyone to master the fundamentals of Dalux products, tools, and modules. From understanding BIM to navigating a CDE, our courses provide essential knowledge for anyone looking to build a career in the construction industry.

Learn at your own pace

This flexible approach allows users to tailor their learning schedules to fit their personal and professional commitments, making it ideal for professionals in dynamic industries or those with multiple responsibilities.

For educators

Educators can enhance their teaching by signing an Education Agreement with Dalux. This agreement provides educators with free access to Dalux tools and extensive training resources, enabling them to integrate cutting-edge technology into their curriculum.

Dalux Academy

Tailored courses

The courses are designed around the role of a typical user working on a best practice project.
Each course can be taken individually, but they are connected to provide a view of Dalux functionality from multiple perspectives.

Construction Management

The Construction Management module is designed to guide you in the use of the Dalux tools within a best practice framework. In this standard Dalux setup, construction managers, subcontractors and designers can communicate to ensure proper enforcement of contractual relationships.

Design Management

This course teaches you to use Dalux as a member of the design team, covering tasks such as uploading models, managing design issues, participating in reviews and meetings, publishing documents, and handling RFIs. The material combines video, text, and hands-on activities, and is based on a best-practice setup.

Dalux Administration

This course provides Dalux administrators with the skills to configure Dalux products using a best-practice setup that focuses on clarity and simplicity. The approach is consistent with the Construction and Design Management courses and provides administrators with insight into how their configurations will be experienced by end users.

Custom to your curriculum

Interested in fully customizing a course to fit the requirements of your curriculum? Learn more about our Educational partnership agreement below and contact a local representative to hear more about your options.

Dalux Academy

Educational partnership agreement

Are you an educator and interested in bringing Dalux products into your curriculum? 

An agreement with Dalux gives you free access to all Dalux products that can be used for classroom or individual student learning. Dalux also provides training resources to explore various features. Combined with a tailored course, students gain hands-on experience through real-world scenarios.

get started today

Ready to level up your skills?

Mindenki számára ingyenes!

A BIM Viewer a leggyorsabb és legjobb módja annak, hogy a BIM modelleket az összes projekttag kezébe juttassa, akár az építési területen.

Köszönjük, hogy regisztrált!

Nyissa meg levelezési postaládáját, hogy hozzáférjen a Dalux projektjéhez és befejezze a regisztrációt!

Free for everyone!

Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.

Thanks for signing up!

Go to your email inbox to access your Dalux project and finish the registration.