Dalux develops products aimed at the construction industry. Besides letting us use our skills within 3D and visualization, there are some very real reasons for this: The construction industry is amongst the most polluting industries globally. By creating products that facilitates better, more smooth construction processes, Dalux helps minimize the time and resources wasted and lost, limiting the pollution and emissions in the process.
We want to do what we are the best at. We also want what we are good at to benefit the world around us.
Since 2005, Dalux has worked to make the construction industry smarter and more efficient. Our user-friendly digital tools and BIM technology (3D building information models) are currently used by leading contractors, builders, and advisors in 147 countries.
Dalux push the limits of how technology can ensure smarter and more sustainable work processes in the construction industry. In close corporation with our users, we continuously optimize existing technology and develop new ground-breaking solutions. In recent years, we have launched a number of world news, including the world’s fastest mobile BIM-viewer and BIM-based Augmented Reality for mobile devices.
All our activities originate at our headquarters in Copenhagen where all development takes place under one roof. In addition, we have several foreign offices and our Customer Success Management team ensures that our more than 1 000 000 users can get help wherever they are in the world.
We have no external investors and can therefore think long term and focus undisturbed on our customers’ wishes and needs.
Denmark +45 53727300
Norway +47 23 96 00 95
Sweden +46 40 66 88 747
Germany +49 32 221097769
Switzerland +41 43 508 15 20
Austria +43 720 881466
UK +44 20 38 687120
Netherlands +31 208 08 82 90
Ireland +44 20 3868 7120
Hungary +36 30 4663939
Canada 312-489-8494
USA 312-489-8494
France +33 1 86 65 99 00
Czech Republic +420 736351212
Slovenia +386 (0)1 600 8616
Spain +34 911 98 18 70
Poland +48 22 104 00 04
Finland +358 1454 71111
Lithuania +370 5 214 1412
Italy +39 0282952730
Belgium +32 2 808 29 07
Slovakia +420 22 888 5172
Copenhagen, Denmark
Vejle, Denmark
Aalborg, Denmark
Malmo, Sweden
Kista, Stockholm, Sweden
Vélizy Villacoublay, France
Vilnius, Lithuania
Prague, Czech Republic
Amsterdam, Netherlands
London, United Kingdom
Leeds, United Kingdom
München, Germany
Düsseldorf, Germany
Madrid, Spain
Wien, Austria
Warszawa, Poland
Lausanne, Switzerland
Zürich, Switzerland
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Helsinki, Finland
Milan, Italy
Oslo, Norway
Brussels, Belgium
Bern, Switzerland
Budapest, Hungary
Dublin, Ireland
Bratislava, Slovakia
Rome, Italy
Stuttgart, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Cologne, Germany
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Goteborg, Sweden
Bergen, Norway
Trondheim, Norway
Aarhus, Denmark
A BIM Viewer a leggyorsabb és legjobb módja annak, hogy a BIM modelleket az összes projekttag kezébe juttassa, akár az építési területen.
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Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.
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Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.
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