Dalux BIM Viewer is the fastest, simplest, and most connected BIM viewer in the world.
It’s the easiest way to access your project information and have 1000’s of models in your pocket.
Dalux BIM viewer is the world’s best at handling multiple complex BIM models. Have confidence that you can see and engage with your project information, regardless of project size, model complexity, or access device!
See all properties of an element in the model
Simplify your BIM workflow and share models quickly with the project team.
Dalux BIM Viewer is the only free tool that comes with plugins to Revit, Navisworks, Tekla, ArchiCAD, and more. Quick and easy to upload and federate your BIM models.
Experience collaboration and communication centred around BIM with our included comment functionality. Import clashes from Solibri or Navisworks, invite unlimited collaborators, and try a better way of working.
All comments have a responsible person and an audit trail. Quickly raise, respond, track, and close-out any comments the project team may have.
Dalux offers two different free solutions.
BIM Viewer for viewing and commenting on your models and Field Basic for viewing your models on site, snagging and task management.
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A BIM Viewer a leggyorsabb és legjobb módja annak, hogy a BIM modelleket az összes projekttag kezébe juttassa, akár az építési területen.
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Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.
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Go to your email inbox to access your Dalux project and finish the registration.
Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.
Thanks for signing up!
Go to your email inbox to access your Dalux project and finish the registration.