Digital, user-friendly and secure tender platform.
Safe and secure processes to ensure confidentiality.
User-friendly and help support you in your procurement process.
Automated notifications when new documents are loaded or changed.
Any changes or actions are logged, creating a full audit trail.
Search for words or sentences in a document across files in your project. Can be used for File formats such as .docx, .xlsx, PDF, JPG etc.
Dalux Tender makes it easy to handle everything digitally through one platform. Optimize the workflow, save time and reduce costs by distributing tenderers directly through Dalux Tender platform.
Dalux Tender supports a multiple folder structure with the ability to create new tenders when needed and to support your internal teams within Procurement. Dalux Tender is integrated to Dalux Field, our Quality Control and Common Data Environment solution, with the power to view 2D, 3D and AR on your mobile device.
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A BIM Viewer a leggyorsabb és legjobb módja annak, hogy a BIM modelleket az összes projekttag kezébe juttassa, akár az építési területen.
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Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.
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Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.
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Go to your email inbox to access your Dalux project and finish the registration.