Connect users with BIM and project information. Fully integrated with the rest of Dalux.
A real Common Data Environment (CDE), built around BIM.
With clear, easy to use Shared and Published areas, approval workflows, and an enforceable file naming convention, you have the tools to digitalize your processes to enable ISO 19650 compliance.
Add custom metadata to files that help manage your project information better.
Manage access to information and capabilities in a simple way. Ensure that project members only see what they are supposed to see.
Communication methods and channels that work for you.
Remove the silos of information and bring the project team together in a single platform.
Comment in either 2D or 3D using the same interface. Create specific channels to help manage project communication.
Create and respond to queries directly from your authoring tool when using the Dalux plugins.
Review and edit Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files directly in Dalux Box.
Compare versions of 2D drawings and documents or versions of a 3D model.
Define both metadata requirements for elements in the model and geometry checks like hard and soft clashes.
Robin Krantz
Design Manager & Co-Owner, Fram
Everyone can comment in the same system with automatically updated and available models. It saves us an incredible amount of time!
Andrea Baktay
Head of Studio, Ms Architect,
Head of Interior Design, BUILDEXT
We keep the plans of the rental units in the office building up-to-date in Dalux. This information is constantly available to ConvergenCE, one of Hungary’s most innovative boutique investor developer and joint venture partner companies, so they can easily share & manage it with their contractors in this CDE environment
Jure Česnik
BIM Manager, Elea iC
At Elea iC we have used quite a few CDE services until now. Now, Dalux gives us the opportunity to have an integrated view of 3D BIM models with 2D floor plans for an effective project supervision
Charles Morton
General Manager, Midcliff Limited
Dalux has improved the communication between our office and site teams by allowing them to gain instant access to the information uploaded.
Tom Cannon
Group BIM Manager, Hill Group UK
The use of Dalux is allowing us to collaborate between all disciplines, remotely. Benefits are being reaped both through utilising BIM and digital systems as a whole, and this is generating efficiencies across the Group and throughout our supply chain
A BIM Viewer a leggyorsabb és legjobb módja annak, hogy a BIM modelleket az összes projekttag kezébe juttassa, akár az építési területen.
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Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.
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Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.
Thanks for signing up!
Go to your email inbox to access your Dalux project and finish the registration.