Dalux Field

Construction is complex.

Let Dalux simplify it for you.

Dalux Field connects the office and the site to better manage your construction projects. Because our platform is easy to use, everyone on the team reports in the same system. This means that data is reliable, up-to-date, and you are able to track progress in real time.

You're in good company


The tool for every project participant.

The intuitive design gets everyone working digitally, and you can focus on getting your work done. 

Minimum onboarding and implementation, maximum overview and issue tracking.

Quality control & assurance

Have the complete overview.

An easy-to-implement quality tool for your project

Create, assign, and track all quality and other types of issues in one place.

Construction workers using Dalux Field software on a tablet to review project plans in an indoor construction site, wearing safety helmets.

Ensure that the latest drawing is always on site

As soon as there is an updated version of a drawing, all project participants will have it instantly available on their phone.

Smartphone displaying the Dalux app with a 3D and 2D view of a building, highlighting advanced construction project visualization features.

Plan your inspections and
follow the progress

Streamline and systematize the tests and inspections.

Customizable checklists

Use checklists for inspections, permits, reports, and more. Create your own templates in minutes or reuse your company standards.

Health and safety

More observations. Faster actions.

Multiple smartphones showing site report observations with photos on the Dalux app, illustrating streamlined on-site reporting

Reduce risk and let everyone on site report observations

All project participants can report observations directly on their phones.

Have your safety inspections on the phone

Create a safer workplace with fast and easy reporting of safety inspections. Make a safety issue directly in the protocol and send to correct person to rectify.

Mobile view of a Dalux Field safety issue report, featuring a checklist with status indicators, an image of a construction site, and a digital signature field.

Let data guide your prevention plans

Learn from your data across projects and proactively identify hazards and potential dangerous work.

Dalux Field dashboard interface displaying various data visualizations, including line charts, pie charts, bar graphs, and heat maps, for project management insights.


Less deficiencies. More quality.

Create an issue in 10 seconds

Information like room, level and time are automatically stored so you don’t need to type it. Workflows help steer who can see what and who can report and mark ready.

Report fast and easy out on site

Create a complete punch list on your phone and send the defects directly to contractors to rectify. Or, create a report from your desk and send out to project participants.

Easy to manage and follow-up

All punch list items can be filtered and sorted by location, status, responsible company, and more. This gives you a complete overview and makes follow up on outstanding issues easier!

Invite the subcontractors

Dalux’ intuitive design makes it easy for everyone on the project to respond to the issues. There is no need for training!


Interested in the freemium version?
Try it now for free!

reality capture & PROGRESS

Capture an entire site in minutes.

Stay on track

Create a digital copy of the construction site and use it for coordination, documentation, and progress reporting. Capture your site in minutes with a 360° camera and the Dalux app.

Remote site inspections

Project members working off-site can access the project and see how the work is progressing. In case there are nonconformities or questions, you can raise an issue directly on the photo. Location and photo are automatically attached.

Create As-Built documentation

With 360° photos you get everything at any stage of the project. Dalux makes it super easy and efficient to get a complete history of the entire project.

See it in action!
Contact us and get your own demo version today.

BIM compare

Compare your 360 site photos to your design models. Highlight any potential discrepancies, and ensure construction is progressing in line with the design.
BIM compare feature on Dalux Field website, enabling users to track construction progress by comparing site photos with BIM models and creating filters for expected completion dates.

Explore how our clients benefit by using Dalux FIELD

Get started now!

Fill out the form to get a local Dalux employee to help you getting started.

Free punch list tool

Field Basic is a free mobile app to use for defect management on site. Upload your drawings or BIM models, invite your subcontractors and get started today!

Thanks for signing up!

Go to your email inbox to access your Dalux project and finish the registration. 

Mindenki számára ingyenes!

A BIM Viewer a leggyorsabb és legjobb módja annak, hogy a BIM modelleket az összes projekttag kezébe juttassa, akár az építési területen.

Köszönjük, hogy regisztrált!

Nyissa meg levelezési postaládáját, hogy hozzáférjen a Dalux projektjéhez és befejezze a regisztrációt!

Free for everyone!

Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.

Thanks for signing up!

Go to your email inbox to access your Dalux project and finish the registration. 

Free for everyone!

Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.

Thanks for signing up!

Go to your email inbox to access your Dalux project and finish the registration. 

Get started now!

Fill out the form to get a local Dalux employee to help you getting started.

Free punchlist tool

Field Basic is a free mobile app to use for defect management on site. Upload your drawings or BIM models, invite your subcontractors and get started today!

Thanks for signing up!

Go to your email inbox to access your Dalux project and finish the registration.

Get started with Dalux Box

Fill out the form to get a local Dalux employee to help you getting started.