Dalux Box

Information Management

Manage your project information better. 

From simple approval flows to full ISO19650 compliance, Dalux Box can help you.

Picture showing the approval process of a 2D construction drawing next to a cut BIM model on desktop and mobile

You're in good company

Quality control & assurance

Traceable History

Compare model versions and see what was added, removed, or modified

Color coded for simplicity, and with a filter to show only modified parameters, you can quickly identify changes between versions and investigate the potential impact.

Quick and easy access to see the history of a file and any associated versions

Check when a file version was uploaded, when and who approved it, or see which versions of the file were published for use by the wider team. If the file is linked to a BIM model, you can view the history of the associated BIM file in the same way!

Audit logs

Track what occurred on the project from file uploads, to distribution of drawings, to downloading information.

Quality control & assurance

Custom File metadata

Metadata fields

Apply custom metadata fields to certain file types to help manage project information. These custom fields can be free-text, list, or date fields that help you manage your information better.

You can make metadata fields, including your own custom ones, mandatory on uploading of files so you can meet the project or national requirements.

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File naming conventions

Use metadata fields to create one or more file naming conventions for use on the project. Enforce naming conventions at upload on specific folders, making the function flexible for the project needs

Automatic file naming parsing

Automatically split a document file name into the metadata fields on upload. If the file is named as the file naming convention, Dalux Box will take care of the rest!

Explore how our clients benefit by using Dalux Box

Quality control & assurance

ISO 19650 enabled

Approval Flows

Custom approval flows that can be triggered based on the status of a document and where it has been uploaded. These flows can be made to suit the project needs for review and approval.

Information Container Identification

Apply custom information container identification requirements to your project based upon file metadata. The identification requirements can be applied at a folder level allowing you to have multiple requirements dependent on who is uploading what information.

Variable Fields

Define where in the filename variable fields are expected and Dalux Box will take these into account. 
A small feature that can save hours of work if organizational requirements need Status and Revision codes for each file.

Files / Shared / Published

3 interconnected areas of the CDE with approval gates between.
A single source of truth.

Quality control & assurance

Secure Environment

Control information access

Access within Dalux is controlled by fully customizable user groups. Information access is controlled at a folder level so you can quick give or restrict access to a discipline’s information.

These user groups can be standardized at a company level and the template used on a new project to help get the project running as quick as possible.

Data Sovereignty

As a cloud-based software as a service the data servers are located in a place near you. With servers based in the UK and the EU you can rest assured your data is held in secure locations

Microsoft Entra SSO Enabled

Make the sign-on process much easier for those in your company with single-sign-on functionality (formally Microsoft Azure Active Directory).


For those particularly secure projects multi-factor authentication can be enabled in a matter of clicks.

Quality control & assurance

Connected Data Environment

Project Standards

Template everything you need to standardize information management across your projects.

Seamlessly integrated with Dalux Field

Dalux Field will automatically show information which has been approved and published within Dalux Box. This ensures that workers on site are always working to the latest approved version of the information.

Box Sync

Work with Dalux Box like you do with OneDrive. Automatically sync data in both directions from Dalux Box and your PC.


Connect to Tender or Handover

Take approved information from Dalux Box and make it part of your tender packages or O&M manuals with a few clicks.

Link information to elements/zones

Within 5 clicks you can link information in Box to 3D object groups or zones in Dalux Field.
Link critical fire safety details to specific model elements.

Stay tuned for new and exciting features coming soon!

Get started with Dalux Box

Fill out the form to get a local Dalux employee to help you getting started.

Mindenki számára ingyenes!

A BIM Viewer a leggyorsabb és legjobb módja annak, hogy a BIM modelleket az összes projekttag kezébe juttassa, akár az építési területen.

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Free for everyone!

Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.

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Go to your email inbox to access your Dalux project and finish the registration. 

Free for everyone!

Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.

Thanks for signing up!

Go to your email inbox to access your Dalux project and finish the registration. 

Get started with Dalux Box

Fill out the form to get a local Dalux employee to help you getting started.