Only see what is relevant to you and your work.
Place your issue on a 3D object or on a drawing to help the workers locate it.
Respond to issues faster than making a phone call, with Dalux’s intuitive interface.
Use Dalux for all your quality and safety checks.
Information like room, level, and time are automatically stored so you don’t need to type it. Workflows help steer who can see what and who can report and mark ready.
Our integrated BIM and drawings module allows you to easily pinpoint the exact location of any issue. Information such as level, room, and zone are automatically added and can later be used to filter and sort among your issues and checklists.
Customize the inbox for each project role using workflows to reduce information overload. With tailored inboxes, users are guided to focus on what matters most. Workflows ensure the right people can view, report, and mark issues as ready.
Dalux is easy to implement, also in on-going projects.
Use checklists for inspections, material delivery, reports, and more.
Create your own templates with list fields, hold points, metadata, and much more.
You can also reuse your existing company standards.
Fill out self-inspections directly in the app, attach photo documentation and pin it on a drawing or BIM object. With the checklist accessible on-the-go, you’re more likely to document your work correctly and efficiently.
QR codes connect your digital environment with the work on site. Scan the code and get an overview of all issues, checklists and inspections connected to that location.
Streamline and systematize the tests and inspections.
Measure directly on your phone, both on drawings and in the BIM model, for easy on site coordination.
As soon as there is an updated version of a drawing, all project participants will have it instantly available on their phones.
Use the BIM model as your data hub. Connect technical descriptions, checklists, and manuals to a BIM object and get all information you need with one click/tap!
With the integrated BIM Viewer you can actively use the BIM model in construction meetings. This makes planning and coordination across project companies easier.
By having all project participants in one system, you can ensure faster actions and better communication – also between companies.
The user-friendly system makes it easy for you to create and send an issue and for the person responsible for rectification to reply.
Use the BIM model as your data hub. Connect technical descriptions, checklists, and manuals to a BIM object and get all information you need with one click or tap!
Mikael Åberg
Entreprenadingenjör, Serneke
Only Dalux can open the complete model and work with it. The complexity is simply too high for other digital tools. One of the strengths of Dalux is that we can handle processes of very different complexity; everything from BIM-related issues with several involved parties, to 360-degree photo documentation, as well as easier construction management in production.
Vera de Weerd
Internal Quality Assurance, UBA Bouw BV
With Dalux we can use inspection- and control plans to register what goes right, while deviations are registered and monitored by a task. The final quality is improved and we have some insight earlier in the process about parts that can be adjusted to limit failure costs.
Nikolaj Skovgaard Strange
Construction Manager, Ramboll
The Dalux system is efficient when it comes to optimizing communication and coordination flows between project stakeholders while it increases the quality of a construction project. Dalux TwinBIM allows us to blend the digital and the as-built model and easily spot potential challenges on site.
Benedikt A.
Head of the Technical Office, KLEUSBERG
By using Dalux, we ensure that there are no planning-related delays. And if there are any issues, they are detected early so that we can take countermeasures in good time.
Marcin Krysiewicz
Head of the OSH Department, Mostostal Warszawa
Reports from every construction site throughout the company are available to us at any moment, which certainly has an effect on increasing safety. By having our workers collaborate on this platform, information is easily shared, leading to continuously improved OSH standards.
Martijn Gils van
Quality Manager, Slokker Bouwgroep BV
With Dalux Field and Box, we’re bringing BIM to the construction site, with all the relevant drawings, documents and models always available onsite. By using Approval Flows, Checklists and Tasks, we are able to document processes, meeting all the necessary requirements for the upcoming Quality Assurance Act. All information is stored in one central source, reducing the risk of errors.
Andréas Bengtsson
Digitalisation Manager, Betonmast
For us, the biggest advantage of using Dalux is clearer, more efficient communication with subcontractors. We can easily follow up on Tasks to ensure quality, and with Augmented Reality we are able to find errors and at an early stage. Dalux allows us to focus on what is most important for Betonmast – the project.
A BIM Viewer a leggyorsabb és legjobb módja annak, hogy a BIM modelleket az összes projekttag kezébe juttassa, akár az építési területen.
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Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.
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Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.
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Go to your email inbox to access your Dalux project and finish the registration.