In this webinar we will be demonstrating how you can utilize our Dalux BIMViewer on your projects to ensure the graphical and non-graphical data produced meets the project requirements with our Model Validation Tool. From managing permissions, creating the clash sets, creating and assigning clashes, and resolving clashes using our BIM Plugins, using the example of Revit.
Dalux enables the entire project team to quickly and easily access their required information to resolve and update the project information. Dalux aims to democratize the clash resolution process to allow the entire project team to be involved so it is no longer a specialist and siloed process.
A BIM Viewer a leggyorsabb és legjobb módja annak, hogy a BIM modelleket az összes projekttag kezébe juttassa, akár az építési területen.
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Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.
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