Improve client handover and aftercare with Dalux’s Apartments and the Customer Portal features.

This webinar is for both contractors and asset owners/clients. Learn about some of the lesser known features of the Dalux Field module, the Apartments and the Customer Portal tools.

These features benefit both parties during the final stages of construction, handover, aftercare, and the defects liability period (DLP).

Learn how these features cut costs and reduce friction and conflict between parties during the DLP. And how these modules can enhance the handover of buildings leading to higher levels of customer care for clients.

These capabilities also support the Golden Thread by centralizing critical information within Dalux and can then integrate seamlessly with the Handover and FM modules for a managed transition.

Johnny Furlong
Sales Executive, Building Owners
Johny Furlong previously worked at L&Q where he led BIM & their Building Safety Act Information Management change projects. He was also vice-chair of the Golden Thread initiative, which was chaired by Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) as part of the Building Regulations Advisory Committee (BRAC). Johnny Furlong role at Dalux is to help building owners and operators make smarter use of their and asset information. With a focus on the lifecycle of asset information. Helping building owners with practical advice to ensure they stay compliant with the BSA. And to advice on easy to implement steps to set simple information requirements for design and construction contracts, that will deliver the greatest return for the operation phase of their buildings.

HBIM: Operation & Maintenance sulla Torre Pisana a Palermo – Sara Tucciarone, BIM Coordinator di LTT

Automatizzare i sopralluoghi di cantiere con Dalux SiteWalk – Paolo Tomasoni, Founder di Tres Srl

Direzione lavori 4.0: il cantiere smart ed efficiente – Luigi Dattilo, BIM Manager di GPA Partners

Il Cantiere digitale nel progetto Walter Park a Bolzano – Marco Moro, BIM & CAD Specialist di Bouygues Italia

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