InfraField Pro Release Webinar

Join our free Release webinar to get the latest developments regarding InfraField.

In our next session, Torben Dalgaard (CEO), Bent Dalgaard (CTO) and Maximiliano Silva Rigenstrup (Product Manager) will announce how the features  from this new offering can improve the work of any infrastructure or linear project. InfraField Pro brings a new dimension on how to manage and control your project on-site by using the best capabilities of GIS data, alignment information and their integration with BIM.

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Maximiliano Silva Rigenstrup
Infrastructure Product Manager
Max is a Civil engineer from Chile with background as land surveyor who has been in the construction industry for over 10 years. His experience comes directly from the construction site where he has worked as site manger and later on the digitalization of different industrial and infrastructure projects as VDC coordinator. At Dalux Max works as Product Specialist for Infrastructure.//Max es Ingeniero Civil proveniente de Chile con vastos conocimnientos en geodesia que ha trabajado por mas de 10 años en la industria de la construcción. Su experiencia proviene directamente de obra donde se ha desempeñado como jefe de obra y posteriormente en la digitalización de diferentes proyectos industriales y de infraestructura como coordinador BIM. En Dalux, Max trabaja como Especialista de Producto para Infraestructuras.
Bent Dalgaard portrait
Bent Dalgaard
Torben Dalgaard

Semplifica e migliora la gestione delle tue attività di cantiere

Gestione delle Gare d’Appalto

Gestione subappaltatori e flussi di lavoro

BIM&GIS per le Infrastrutture

Il BIM per il Facility Management di beni pubblici e privati

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