
After a thorough market analysis and evaluation of the number of IT suppliers, Koncenton A/S chooses Dalux. Koncenton A/S is experiencing strong growth in the housing market and they expect to increase the property portfolio and leases from 1,500 to 4,500 units within the next few years. In connection with this development, the real estate investor will use Dalux to support their growth strategy and increase the need for digitization in the building and Facility management. Koncenton’ expected the platform to be easily expanded with extra data fields, easy access, high data security, and ease of use and integration. All these needs were met with Dalux. Dalux became the right tool to support Koncenton’ business and help to professionalize operations and client’s roles.

“We tested several options, but Dalux is the solution with the highest user-friendliness while providing all the functionalities. The choice was simple then. From the first presentation, it was clear that this was a system that worked perfectly with our needs. Our tenants can easily report bugs/deficiencies so we can quickly respond to and pass on to craftsmen, so the entire process becomes as fast as possible and no tickets/tasks are lost. “

Peter Halden
IT, Koncenton A/S

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