Use your own company standards, or use the built in protocols and processes.
Benefit from real-time updates on the safety status of your project
Simplify your workflow with Dalux for safety, quality, digital drawings, and more—all in one tool!
Identify improvement areas and track which team members respond the fastest.
Have the standard safety protocol on your phone. In this way you will always have it with you when it is time for the weekly inspection.
Use the built in safety inspection template, or lift in your company standard. In this way, the information you collect is comparable across projects and over time.
If you find a problem on your safety inspection, create an issue directly in the checklist and send it to the responsible person to rectify.
The finished protocol is stored in the system and will be available to everyone on the project.
Send and receive safety issues instantly, and ensure prompt action.
By making it easy for everyone on site to report hazardous behavior, you will get a safer workplace. All project participants can report in Dalux through the app.
Acknowledge and collect good examples on how to create a safer work place. Share ‘Good practice’ as inspiration for everyone on site.
Have all data related to safety in one place. See what areas need more attention and how you can work more proactively to ensure a safer work place.
When questions around the safety work arise, it is easy find the documentation. All conversations and protocols are in one place, and all updates are automatically logged with user and time details.
"Dalux is a very good tool when we work with fire planning in BIM. The fire protection is visible and becomes accessible in a simple way in both design and production. As the fire protection is clearly visible directly in 3D, the understanding of fire protection for everyone in the project increases, and the risk of errors decreases. The benefits are many and appreciated by project members."
Erik Almgren
Fire Protection Consultant, Bengt Dahlgren
Measure directly on your phone, both on drawings and in the BIM model, for easy on site coordination.
As soon as there is an updated version of a drawing, all project participants will have it instantly available on their phone.
With the integrated BIM Viewer you can actively use the BIM model in construction meetings. This makes planning and coordination across project companies easier.
Use the BIM model as your data hub. Connect technical descriptions, checklists, and manuals to a BIM object and get all information you need with one click/tap!
Robin Krantz
Design Manager & Co-Owner, Fram
Everyone can comment in the same system with automatically updated and available models. It saves us an incredible amount of time!
Andrea Baktay
Head of Studio, Ms Architect,
Head of Interior Design, BUILDEXT
We keep the plans of the rental units in the office building up-to-date in Dalux. This information is constantly available to ConvergenCE, one of Hungary’s most innovative boutique investor developer and joint venture partner companies, so they can easily share & manage it with their contractors in this CDE environment
Jure Česnik
BIM Manager, Elea iC
At Elea iC we have used quite a few CDE services until now. Now, Dalux gives us the opportunity to have an integrated view of 3D BIM models with 2D floor plans for an effective project supervision
Charles Morton
General Manager, Midcliff Limited
Dalux has improved the communication between our office and site teams by allowing them to gain instant access to the information uploaded.
Tom Cannon
Group BIM Manager, Hill Group UK
The use of Dalux is allowing us to collaborate between all disciplines, remotely. Benefits are being reaped both through utilising BIM and digital systems as a whole, and this is generating efficiencies across the Group and throughout our supply chain
A BIM Viewer a leggyorsabb és legjobb módja annak, hogy a BIM modelleket az összes projekttag kezébe juttassa, akár az építési területen.
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Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.
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