Sneak Peek: SiteWalk in Dalux Field

Join our next Sneak Peek webinar, where we will give an introduction to our upcoming features for SiteWalk in Dalux Field.

In our next session, Torben Dalgaard (CEO), Bent Dalgaard (CTO) and Anders Scheel Nielsen (VP of Software, Field) will demonstrate how we will make it easier to track weekly construction progress with the upgraded SiteWalk viewer, and how you can compare BIM models with 360 images to find potential issues earlier, among other things.

Anders Scheel Nielsen
VP of Software, Field
Bent Dalgaard portrait
Bent Dalgaard
Torben Dalgaard

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Our BIM Viewer is the fastest and best way to get your BIM models on site and in the hands of all project members.

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Vår BIM Viewer är det snabbaste och bästa sättet att få ut BIM-modeller på plats och i händerna på alla projektmedlemmar.

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